Her er de 17 vinnerne av ScanStar 2022

PUBLISERT: 1 september 2022
OPPDATERT: 26 januar

||||||||||||||||||||||Juryyen besto av Antro Säliä, SPA observer, Lars Lavrsen, Toms Gruppen, Danmark, Ole Anton Bakke, Jotun.Norge, Lars Windeman, Pacudo, Sverige, Oona.casalegno, Senior Lecturer in LAB University of Applied Sciences (Finland) og Per Øyvind Nordberg, Emballasjeforeningen.|

Av totalt 29 innsendte emballasjeløsninger plukket juryen ut 17 vinnere under jurymøtet hos Emballasjeforeningen 17.-18 august. Alle innsendte emballasjer holdt høy kvalitet, og  dommerne hadde en utfordrende jobb  med  plukke ut vinnerne.

Her er alle Scanstar-vinnerne med juryens kommentarer:

1 Polar Fresh Lid
Company: Ranheim Paper & Board
The lid fits both to the leak proof base and the  drained base.
Packaging material: Solid Board
Constructed by: Nina Kulseng-Hanssen
Packaging users: Fresh fish marked (Domstein)

Jury motivation:

A traditional box is made better with corners for stackability. Structure cups makes it sustainable.


2 BoxCor Corrosion prevention box
In this innovative packaging, the corrosion inhibitor (VCI) is applied directly onto the side of the board which will become the inside of the box. The inhibitor will create a lasting protective coating against corrosion onto all the metal parts placed inside the box.
Company: Boxon Oy
Packaging material: Corrugated Boards C-flute
Packaging user: Rapala/KL-Teho

Jury motivation:

This is a simple and elegant packaging for multiple types of blades. Works also in the workshop. It’s not expensive but effective for its purpose. Environment friendly. It is made in monomaterial and could be used also in other applications


3 Eco Friendly Pouch
A recyclable pouch for vegetables to replace plastic packaging
Packaging material: Woodfibre based Paptic®
Company: Paptic Ltd
Packaging user: Puukin tila

Jury motivation

It is made of paper and has potential to be used in other applications than vegetables. It has a nice service for branding, and it’s sealed in a good way. You need an assembly line to pack. Replaces plastic packaging. So much better. It protects with a barrier. Good printability, big potentials


4 Every bird is special
Company Pyroll (Fin)
Yogurt cups’ paper-based lids designed by consumers/end-users
Packaging material: Yoghurt cups with paper-based lids
Packaging user: Arla Finland

Jury motivation
Participatory method and encouraging people to act. Endless designs with this method during the campaign. Unique packaging graphics. The core message of equality is beautiful. Positive and enlightening new idea. The core message is to have fun.


5 Gift box for Ainoa Winery
Gift packaging for wine bottles and additional products
Company:  Stora Enso
Packaging material: Corrugated board
Packaging user: Ainoa Winery
Jury motivation

Protects the product well and steps up with a more elegant box. It is good for Christmas gifts and B2B gifts. The packaging makes It feel like a gift and makes you feel good!


 6 Insert for Pholc
Company: DS Smith Packaging Sweden AB
the design can be designed to fit the shape of the product. Also, very good material utilization.
The lamp that the insert was designed for is very fragile and therefore the «legs» are needed as a distance. For a more solid and rough product these legs will not be needed.
Packaging user Pholc AB
Packaging Material: Corrugated board

Jury motivation:

Reduces the designing cost. Seems to be a safe way to protect a complex product. It’s premium but still sustainable. Maybe it could be simpler to use, there is room for improvement.


 7 Packaging solutions for enameled sinks (expanded polystyrene replacement)
Company: Ds Smith
Construction: Ds Smith
Packaging User:
Packaging material: Corrugated board
Jury motivations:
Replacing polystyrene. Improvement in sustainability



Foret konvolutt for postforsendelse8 Padded paper mailing bags
Company Raja (Nor)
A major innovation in terms of eco-responsibility, this paper padded mailing bag protects products from shocks thanks to its honeycomb paper. Its lightness allows it to reduce postal costs to a minimum.

Its great advantage is that it is completely recyclable. Made up of a paper mattress covered with 2 layers of recycled kraft paper, this mailing bag meets the needs of companies looking for a sustainable alternative to traditional bubble mailers.
Packaging material: Kraft paper
Packaging users: eCommerce users

The padded paper mailer is available in 5 different sizes to fit various products

Jury motivations:

Innovative! Only one material is replacing the previous packaging. Just paper. The mono-material solution gives multiple possibilities. If you compress it, it stays compressed. May be suitable for new applications next year.


9 PetaFold
PetaFold is a box developed for home delivery of food, and Oda has optimized its process by getting from packing in plastic bags and NLP boxes to PetaFold. The box is designed in such a way that the box is folded after use and is not space-consuming for the customer. By folding the boxes and placing them in an unfolded box, it will both look neat and tidy.
Company: VPK (Norway)
Packaging user: Oda and customers of Oda (e-commerce by mail)
Packaging material: Corrugated board

Jury motivations:

Very user friendly, you need some guiding for the first time. Goes nicely into the form without locks, it is neat and well formed. The handles often break in such Packaging. Convenience is a must for the end users. Really strong, does not break.


 10 Pop up Insert
Company Glomma Papp
The pop-up insert is universal and can fast and easy be placed in 4 chambers. It uses a minimum of material. The solution is optimized for production.
Packaging material: Cardboard
Packaging user: Iron Mountain


Jury motivation

Simplicity. You get a lot for almost nothing. Basically, no waste insert, Simple and smart. Rectangular from the start.


11 Sea Stretch
Transport packaging. The paper stretch film SeaStretch is an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional plastic stretch film used to wrap and contain loads in shipping and storage. The paper solution is creped, which makes it flexible, stretchable, and highly resistant to tearing.
This kraft paper pallet wrap is made from PEFC certified natural kraft. It is ideal for wrapping standard and homogeneous pallet loads up to 200kg. Featuring a sticky inner layer, it provides excellent support for goods during transport and storage in the warehouse, while protecting them from dirt and dust.
Fully recyclable, this eco-friendly stretch wrap is a perfect alternative to plastic stretch film and wrap.
Company: RAJA Norway
Packaging producer: Seaman Paper Europe GmbH

Jury motivation:

Good and innovative product. It’s a step further. Brown packaging may reduce damages to the product. Could also be good for wrapping items, it has a potential for other uses.


12 Second life packaging- the bike

«Choppy bike» – the kid bike is designed without screws; it is replaced by a «clip system» and is characterized by its lightweight. The product development took into account the dimensions of effective palletizing, including the place of packaging, and focused on compact and at the same time safe packaging of the product. The packaging is strongly inspired by the product. The lightweight is underlined with a thin (E-profile) corrugated cardboard. Since the product does not need screws, the packaging does not need glue. The packaging is perfectly adapted to the EURO pallet. It is sustainable, simple, and stands out with graphic simplicity. The packaging consists of 3 parts: 1. Outer packaging: Serves as a transport and primary packaging 2. Inner box: Which contains and protects the product itself, this box has a second use approach – table game («draw what you see») or used as a road for toy cars, where upside-down inserts become tunnels 3. Small box: For Component Connections

Company: Stora Enso OY
Packaging material: Corrugated board E
Packaging users: Parents, kids

Jury motivation

Playful and surprising effect instead of full color printing. Good presentation of the product. Would have liked to see it with a bike. It is made of light weight products and can be used without tools.
Surprising, entertaining and f and fun! Well designed- Good second use. Teamwork across borders is possible.


13 Top Cabinet Packaging
Company Ds Smith Sweden AB
Ds Smith got the task to replace existing EPS packaging and make a plastic free solution. Except the challenge to make a solution in corrugated cardboard that has the same, or better shock protection than the EPS packaging, the solution also had to work in the customers’ existing automated packing machine line. Therefor the external dimensions had to be unchanged. The solution also needed to be able to handle with clamp truck.
Packaging material: Corrugated cardboard

Jury motivation

Taking plastic out of the packaging, protecting high value products. Looks well engineered with no gluing. The jury see potentials for other uses. The transport volume of the packaging is minimized.


14 Transport and display packaging for cut flowers

The main objectives of the new packaging concept development were to provide cost-effective, easy to use and sustainable packaging concept for flower packaging, which is based on renewable materials and works well throughout the logistics chain
Company: Stora Enso Packaging Oy
Packaging material: Corrugated board
Packaging users: Logistic chain from the flower growers to the florist shops

 Jury motivation: Well designed. Replaces a plastic bucket. Waterproof. May be reassembled in two pieces.


15 Turbocharger

Companies: aPak AB and Mondi Ansbach

The assignment was to create an effective packaging for Volvo’s turbochargers so that they could be transported safely around the globe by truck, boat or plane. One turbocharger weighs in at 55 kilograms, which means a grand total of 210 kg. That is a lot of weight, and a lot of metal that can be scratched, damaged, or exposed to rust during the harsh conditions if not properly protected. The turbochargers have a lot of sensitive components that cannot cope with shocks or excessive pressure.

Packaging material: Cardboard
Packaging user: AB Volvo

Jury motivation

Have made it possible to pack a heavy product in corrugated cardboard. The product is heavy and expensive. They are replacing a return packaging. Injection, molded tray. A neat design, not overpacked. Goes beyond what we have thought was possible for corrugated board.


16 V10-12 small box
Company Pacudo AB
Packaging material: Corrugated board

Application: Export packaging, sea container optimized

Packaging Producer/converter: Pacudo

Packaging material: Cardboard
Packaging user: Volvo Cars AB


17 Container pallet V8X

Country of origin: Sweden

Packaging material: Corrugated board on wooden pallets with wooden sticks in corners

Application: Export packaging, sea container optimized

Packaging Producer/converter: Pacudo

Packaging design by: Pacudo, former Papyrus Supplies

Name of company and/or designer: Pacudo, former Papyrus Supplies

Packaging User: Volvo Cars and other automotive suppliers

Jury motivations for both boxes:

Creates high loading capacity with little material: well-engineered with corner pillars. Volvo has done tests that will open up for other products. Good quality all the way. Replaces one-way wooden packaging. The boxes are traditional quick boxes in modular formats. It’s safer than before, no plastic needed.

Prisutdelingen for årets Scanstar-konkurranse blir på Emballasjedagene i Sandefjord. 10. november. Les mer om scanstar på Emballasjeforeningen.no



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Innovasjoner og bærekraft i fokus på Fachpack i slutten av september

24. – 26. september 2024 vil industriledere, innovatører og eksperter innen emballasjeindustrien igjen samles i Nürnberg, Tyskland. Da legges det til rette for Fachpack. Nürnberg Messe lover å levere et bredt spekter av innovasjoner, bærekraft og nettverksmuligheter, og tiltrekker besøkende fra hele verden.
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Det skjer på Scanpack: Hvorfor vi trenger å slutte å demonisere emballasjematerial

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