På tirsdag 13. november skal årets ScanStar-priser deles ut på FoodTec-messen i Herning i Danmark. Prisseremonien finner sted 14:00-15:00 i Hall F.
I Hall F skal også alle vinnerproduktene stilles ut. Det ble i år kåret åtte vinnere av Scanstar. Det var påmeldt 23 produkter fra alle de nordiske landene. Finland sto for 11 av disse og vant da også flest priser (fire).
Her er vinnerne av ScanStar 2018 med juryens kommentarer:
Se bilder av alle vinnerproduktene her
Glomma Papp AS – “Smartcorner” (Norway)
Producer: Glomma Papp AS
Designer: Naug & Venner og Ulf Peter Lande (Glomma Papp)
Packaging user: Joh. Johansen
Type of packaging: Other type of packaging
The “Smartcorner” helps to present the products in a different way – the display pack can build different shapes in the stores and provides good product exposure and branding. It gives a lot of possibilities for placement in the store. Playful shape made from corrugated board.
SCA Forest Products AB – Hernö Gin & Tonic Kit (Sweden)
Producer: The Archwise Licensee
Designer: Mattias Bodell, Arcwise Design Lab, SCA, Ella Järlehag, Arcwise Design Lab, SCA and Maria Åman, Hernö Gin AB
Packaging user: Hernö Gin AB
Type of packaging: Consumer packaging
The packaging will stand out on the shelf due to the unique shape. The locking mechanism is clever as it provides a divider between the bottles inside, but it also makes it a bit difficult to open. The packaging is easy and pleasant to carry due to the quality of the handle and the shape of the box. The jury find that it is a clever use of corrugated board creating a shape, which has a strong potential for branding.
Adara Pakkaus Oy – Recyclable cups collecting container (Finland)
Producer: Adara Pakkaus Oy
Designer: Kaisa Pietilä
Packaging user: Kotkamills
Type of packaging: Consumer packaging, transportation/distribution packaging
This packaging can bring order to cup chaos as it provides a possibility for collecting used cups in an organized manner. It is a good systemic solution for waste management of cups for recycling. The whole solution of cups and collection container is completely recyclable as there is no plastic used. The container provides good possibilities for branding and communicating about sustainability of the plastic free cups.
DS Smith Packaging AB – 2Way e-commerce (Sweden)
Producer: DS Smith Packaging Sweden AB
Designer: David Engelbrektsson
Packaging user: E-commerce
Type of packaging: Consumer packaging, transportation/distribution packaging
This smart inside-out packaging solution is for product shipment and returns in e-commerce. The clever on-piece corrugated board structure can be folded both ways effortlessly. It could, however, have a small pictogram for folding instructions. Shows a lot of potential for gifting and branding. Communicates that it is a sustainable solution.
Jospak Oy – board-based tray (Finland)
Producer: Jospak Oy
Designer: Tray is designed by Jospak Oy, Artwork is designed by Pouttu Oy
Packaging user: Pouttu Oy
Type of packaging: Consumer packaging
The design takes into consideration visual communication, material use and recycling. Instructions on the bottom of the packaging facilitate recycling. The easy separation of the film and fibers makes source separation simple. The jury finds that opening instructions and the opening mechanism can still be improved. The overall design supports the impression of a sustainable packaging.
DS Smith Finland – Refresco tray – transportation package for beverages (Finland)
Producer: DS Smith Finland
Designer: Jyrki Petrelius
Packaging user: Retailers
Type of packaging: Transportation/distribution packaging
Simple and effective use of corrugated board to stabilize the pallet – interlocking die-cut which fits and protects the caps of the beverage packages. Clever minimalistic design that reduces the amount of materials to be used. Can be used for mixed pallets – both for transport and display. Is made of recycled material which is sustainable. Functional – a good idea.
Sulapac Oy – Kohinoor jewelry packaging (Finland)
Producer: Sulapac Oy in cooperation with Kultakeskus Oy
Designer: Ilkka Harju
Packaging user: Kultakeskus Oy
Type of packaging: Consumer packaging
Sustainable packaging made of FSC-certified wood and natural binders. The packaging looks elegant and is nice to handle. The packaging is completely biodegradable and can be produced and used on existing production lines. The packaging gives added value to the products. The jury finds that it is a very nice solution and a perfect fit for luxury products and brands with ecological values.
MULTIVAC A/S – 2-layer sliced meat packaging (Denmark)
Producer: MULTIVAC A/S
Designer: MULTIVAC A/S
Packaging user: Rema 1000
Type of packaging: Consumer packaging
It is a packaging solution that minimizes food waste due to the two separate layers which provides the consumer with a longer shelf life of the sliced meat. After opening the first layer, the sliced meat has a shelf life of five days, whereas the second layer maintains its shelf life of 30 days. The impact of the food waste is much higher than the extra use of plastic which is good for the environment.